Upcoming events
Special Talk, Eunjoo Kim
Date: April 12 (Fri) 06:10 pm
Location: IIT Siegel Hall 118
Address: 3301 S Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60616
Admission fee: $10 for non-IIT student
날짜 : 4월 12일 금요일
시간 : 오후 6시 10분 ~ 오후 7시 50분
장소 : IIT Siegel Hall 118
주차 : 3150 S Federal St, Chicago, IL
3140 S Federal St, Chicago, IL
입장 시간 : 오후 5시 40분 ~ 6시 10분*
강연 시간대가 저녁 시간대라 피자와 간단한 다과가 준비될 예정입니다.
* 원활한 강연 진행과 강연인 만큼 시간을 반드시 준수해 주시기 바랍니다. 강연 시작 이후로는 입장이 불가능합니다.
Vote and raffle
04/01/2024 ~ 04/12/2024
Upload your proof here
Every day, the 1st uploader will get $5 worth choice of a gift card
The 26th uploader will get $20 worth choice of a gift card
The 50th uploader will get $50 worth choice of a gift card
The 91st uploader will get $100 worth choice of a gift card
The 127th uploader will get $150 worth choice of a gift card
All awardees will post on
If Chicagoland wins the national prize for the voting rate or number of people, you are eligible for a big raffle prize! (Airpods, iPad)
i-Drone Camp
RSVP by 04/07/2024 ( )
KSEA STEAM Art Contest
Registration by April 20