
Past Events (2024)

NMSC (April 6, 2024)


Past Events (2023)

2023 Year-End Party

재미과학기술자협회 (KSEA) 시카고지부의 2023 연말행사에 여러분들을 초청합니다. 연례 총회, 장학금 수여식, 네트워킹 및 이벤트로 이루어지는 행사에 많은 분들이 함께 하셔서 따스한 연말의 정을 나누시기를 바랍니다. 

You, your family, and your friends are cordially invited to KSEA-Chicagoland's 2023 year-end party. Please join our in-person meeting for the annual year-end report, scholarship award ceremony, good conversation, and more events!

Date and time: December 09, 2023 (Sat) 5:00 pm 

(General assembly meeting before the party, 4:30 pm, Only for the KSEA Members)

Location: BBQ Garden (9020 W Golf Rd, Niles, IL 60714)

$15 for KSEA members, additional member's family $5

$40 for non-KSEA member

Venmo: @Seungwon-Chung-6, Check Payable to KSEA-CHI

Cash payment on the registration desk 

(Please use the same name of the register and the sender!)

Apply for the membership here. 

(Your membership fee is supporting Chicagoland's activities!)

Raffle Gift!! (Additional raffle ticket --> 1ticket/$5, 5 tickets=$20)

Dyson Air warp, Smart TV, and 14 other items.

KAAC (시카고한인회)

Charting Your Career Path: Unleashing the Magic of Generative AI, Networking, and Mentorship.

12/9/2023 8:30am~3:00pm

Lakeview Covenant Church (950 Northbrook Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062)

Korean-American Students & Young Professionals(Age 16+)

Tickets: $10 includes lunch 


Questions: or 773-878-1900

Promo codes: KSEA

For online attendees, please use the following registration process!

Register here to join us via Teams Webinar: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams


All of our speakers should have received a unique link to join the Teams Webinar this Saturday. Please do not share that unique link as that’s only for the organizers/speakers.

If you prefer to share the Teams meeting link directly, here’s the Teams webinar link for easy joining:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 255 093 890 391
Passcode: FBGuXM

Download Teams | Join on the web


Or call in (audio only)

+1 323-849-4874,,665397999#   United States, Los Angeles

Phone Conference ID: 665 397 999#

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