
About us

In 1973, Over 100 Science and Engineering field scientists from the Midwest area had their first organization meeting at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). Over 45 years Chicagoland led many activities in the Midwest area, especially, Chicago, Chicago suburb areas. The activities include public Open Seminars, NMSC, Summer Science Camp, Career Development Day, Summer Picnic and Membership Drive, Mentoring Program for High school students, Collaboration meeting with the Korean American Society on Biotech and Pharmaceuticals (KASBP) Illinois chapter, Mentoring with YG, Year-End Party, and Scholarship program for High School Seniors and Undergraduate Students, Midwest conference, UKC, etc.

Dear KSEA Chicagoland Voting Members:

Please VOTE ONLINE for the KSEA President-elect, 2 Vice Presidents, 1 Auditor,  4 Technical Group Councilors, and Bylaws

Check the Candidate's profile here

1. Visit https://www.ksea.org/voting-2024 (or click the “Election” menu at https://www.ksea.org) and log in with ID and PW.
2. Click the “Vote” button for online vote.
3. Follow the on-screen voting instructions and submit.

The 2024 Election will take place between March 18, 2023, and April 12, 2024, at 11:59 pm (EST), during which time you can examine the qualifications and contributions of KSEA candidates on their profile pages and bylaws amendment. You need to participate to support the organization

According to the KSEA Bylaws Article 11.5* for the quorum requirement, we need to meet a minimum of 10% of voting members’ participation for the election to be valid.

*Article 11.5. Quorum. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by law, at all general assemblies, the presence, including electronic presence, of one-tenth of the voting members at the commencement of such meeting shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.

According to the KSEA Bylaws Article 30*, we need to meet a minimum of 20% of voting members’ participation for the bylaws amendment to be valid

* ARTICLE 30.  Amendment of Bylaws. The quorum for approving amendments to the Bylaws shall be 20% of all voting members.  Amendments shall require approval of at least 2/3 of the total votes cast. 

Prizes to Yourself and Your Chapters:


Thank you for your participation!!

KSEA Election Committee

Voting raffle daily winner (Check the "Event" for more details)

4/1/2024 9:15:54 am : Da*** ($5 Starbucks)

4/2/2024 0:00:27 am : ja*** ($5 Amazon)

4/3/2024 no winner

4/4/2024 01:54:49 pm : Do*** ($5 Amazon)

4/5/2024 0:06:50 am :  My*** ($5 Amazon)

4/6/2024 no winner

4/7/2024 no winner

4/8/2024 no winner

4/9/2024 no winner

4/10/2024 no winner

4/11/2024 no winner

KSEA Calendar

Special Talk, Eunjoo Kim 


Be our member and participate in our numerous KSEA activities or events!

Select "Chicagoland" as your chapter